You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > Special Price Master File

File - Special Price

Use this option to maintain the Special Price master file. This master file allows you to setup price matrices where:

The special price combinations are setup in your company parameters (refer to "Edit - Program - Special Price").


Technical Tip

  • A handy hint with special prices is to always use a price (say Price 8) as the special price field no matter what default price (1-7) the customer is set to. The advantage of doing this is that all special price reports and inquiries only have the one price (Price 8) printed on them, hence making the report easier to design and manage.
  • If you want to apply special prices to a range of customers, rather than just a single customer, use the contract pricing feature (refer to "File - Debtors Contract Pricing".